Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, Madison to the UP

Madison Capital building as seen from our campsite on the Alliant Energy Center just before some rain on Saturday night. 

Great bottle tree with tea cups included.
At  Whispering Valley Campground off Rt 2 near Rapid River, MI
Devonna I see spoons here....Thought you might like to see these.

Carved Bear! 

This was a great trip.  From Madison on I-39/90 and to 151 then 41 and 26 and 35 and 2.

Stopped for lunch and grocery shopping just before leaving Wisconsin. 

Gas prices were 3.59 for the most part.  We saw 3.54 after we had filled up at 3.59...of course.

Campground area is very dry but very quiet.  We have full hook-up and cable.  Jerry got to watch the golf tournament...all is good!

That is about it!
May God Bless!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lazy Day at Madison

Finished up the binding on this one today while Jerry was in FMCA meetings.  Sat outside and worked on most of it until the wind made it too cool and kept wrapping my thread into knots while I was sewing. 

Second binding finished today.  Sitting inside with windows open...and then closed to let it warm up inside the camper.  What seems wrong with that statement?  After not having anything below 90 at home for weeks the temp here is a wonderful change but takes a minute to get used to.

Looking at Wisconsin capital building from down the road.  Not many pictures today.  Drove toward Beaver Dam to see Nancy's Notions but then decided to go back to Madison before I got there.  Drove through the downtown area.  It was very nice area.  Hope to get back there as it is just a few miles from the Alliant Energy Center where we are camped. 

Jerry had meeting yesterday and I attended one with him yesterday afternoon.  Afterward we toured several of the areas where the campers are parked.  We have only seen a handful of campers that are on grass. The rest of us are on pavement.  We are so close to the seminar rooms it is great.  Very nice location.

We are planning on leaving here on Sunday.  We are looking at a campground in MI on route 2 just where Rt 35 joins it.  Then on to the east side of Lake Michigan. 
Today Jerry is in the governing board meeting and I am going to try to get into several seminars to activate my brain cells.  Things like digital camera, computer safety while traveling,Facebook etc.  tomorrow things like interior renovations, and the vendor area opens.  Friday, more seminars, and Saturday has meetings and more seminars.

Have a great day.  God Bless!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Madison, WI and nearby House on the Rock

We started this trip to the International FMCA Rally at Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday about noon. 
We spent the first night at Urbana, IL at the Tin Cup RV Park. It was still hot and muggy here.  Their ground was very dry, much in need of rain too.  We hear from Mike that Scottsburg received a little over three inches on Saturday night.  We did not drive through anything nor did we get any rain on Saturday night at the campground.

When I went out to take this picture I had to wipe the lens of the camera clean of the condensation.  It was so comfortable inside....but not so outside.

We left about ten home time and arrived in Madison about 2:30.  We are parked on asphalt.  On the end of a row of motor homes that leaves us very close to the seminar areas.  Yeah rah.  Because we failed to load our bikes on the car.  All we can see in any direction other than directly in front of us (which is a fairgrounds building) are campers.  We took a walk around last night but there have been many more campers arrive today. 

We left the Alliant Energy Center around nine local time and headed off for The House on the Rock.  We looked at the IPAD map and used the Garmin too.  IPad seems to do a good job.  I have not got it to talk to me but it does show the directions on the screen.  It was great to have it when the Garmin all of a sudden ran out of power.  I thought I had checked that but guess I didn't.  Of course, it shut off just as we approached an intersection which required a turn from us. 

I toured the House on the Rock while Jerry napped in the car and read on his book.  He had no interest in looking around the house or the collections.  These are just a few of the pictures we took at the House on the Rock and of the camping at Madison. 

We mad a Wal-Mart stop since I filled up a SD card....took some video of the carousel with 20,000 lights and not one horse head on the thing.  Lots of other creatures were there.

Then it was on to Culver's for a late lunch and ice cream.  Culver's apparently started out here in WI.  I had a great lunch.  Jerry was not so enthused.  But there was not anything left on his plate when they picked up our tray for us.  We have seen them in Columbus, IN as well but just did the ice cream thing with them there.  I had a sliced beef sandwich with WI cheese.  :0)

This afternoon we returned to the camper and just as we exited the car we found raindrops coming down.  Jerry has the awning out reading his book again.  The drops are just coming down periodically.  Nothing hard or for extended periods of time.  It was 80 degrees when we were returning from our outing this afternoon.  That was very, very nice.

Nice relaxing day!

May God Bless!